
  • Abdulrahman Yusuf Abdullahi


In order to provide quicker innovation, adaptable resources, and scale economies, cloud computing is the supply of computing services, including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence, over the Internet. As technology advanced in recent years, cloud technologies were increasingly utilized. Cloud technologies are appealing because data may be stored, transmitted to numerous locations at once, and accessed at any time. It is a system that enables data storage on the Internet, releasing users from the constraints of physical settings and storage devices and enabling access from any location at any time.

Author Biography

Abdulrahman Yusuf Abdullahi

The author suggests the existence of the undoubted influence of the background culture and mass culture on the effectiveness of rehabilitation processes.  The tasks undertaken by social rehabilitation pedagogues and people involved in the re-use of different types of cultural engineering should take into account the above influence and the image of contemporary Western culture affected by the crisis of values.  Presented concepts of resocialization through cultural activity and artistic creation are a testimony of truly humanistic search for remedial shaping of people who are socially maladjusted and show an important current in contemporary resocialization.




How to Cite

Abdullahi, A. Y. (2023). STUDYING CLOUD COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY COMPARATIVELY. TMP Universal Journal of Research and Review Archives, 2(3). Retrieved from